News Taxes

Fineac Tax-saving tips 2024

Latest tips to save taxes:


Individuals – Income Tax: interest on early payment of tax bills

Even in the realm of taxation, there are opportunities to earn interest, and what's more, it's tax-free. With the generally increased interest rate environment, the topic of interest for early payments of cantonal and municipal taxes by individuals is once again in focus. Several cantons in Switzerland are now reinstating this practice, rewarding those taxpayers who settle their taxes early.


SFTA – Withholding Tax: Deadlines for Submission of Declaration / Notification

The Swiss Federal Tax Administration consistently enforces deadlines for withholding tax declarations and initiates administrative penalty proceedings with fines of up to a maximum of CHF 5,000 for delays. It is therefore strongly recommended that companies strictly adhere to the deadlines to avoid unnecessary hassle and potential fines.


SFTA circular letters regarding safe haven interest rates for 2024 – Largely unchanged from 2023

The Swiss Federal Tax Administration published the new circular letters regarding safe haven interest rates on advances and loans in Swiss francs and in foreign currencies for 2024.


Zug: Public votes “Yes” to the 8th partial revision of the Zug Tax Act

Last Sunday, voters in Zug clearly approved the 8th partial revision of the Zug Tax Act with a Yes vote of 72.3%. The following changes will therefore apply from the 2024 tax year:


Don't miss out on paying into your 2nd and 3rd pillar!

Pay into your Pillar 3a and make individual and flexible provisions for the future. At the same time, you benefit from lower taxes, as this reduces your taxable income.


Norway/Switzerland: Norway recognizes persons subject to lump-sum taxation in Switzerland as tax residents within the meaning of the DTT Switzerland/Norway


OECD/G20-minimum taxation: Income tax: Swiss voters say Yes

On Sunday, June 18, 2023, the Swiss electorate approved the implementation of the OECD/G20 project on the taxation of large corporate groups in Switzerland with a clear "Yes" (78.45%).


Income tax

Federal Court decision on the deductibility of maintenance costs in the case of a total renovation


Cross-border work activity

Cross boarder workers and senior executives according to DTT CH/DE and multilateral agreement on the jurisdiction in case of remote working


Fineac Tax saving tips

Latest tips to save taxes:


Withholding tax: simplification in the notification procedure within a group as of January 1, 2023

As of January 1, 2023, the following simplifications have occurred in connection with the notification procedure for withholding tax purposes within a group:


SFTA circular letters regarding safe haven interest rates for 2023 – Material increases in safe haven interest rates

The Swiss Federal Tax Administration published the new circular letters regarding safe haven interest rates on advances and loans in Swiss francs and in foreign currencies for 2023.


Zurich: Government Council proposes increase in deduction for children expenses

On July 13, 2022, the Government Council of the Canton of Zurich submitted a proposal to the Cantonal Council for an increase in the deduction for childcare costs in state and municipal taxes.


Direct federal tax: deduction for health insurance premium to be increased

The Federal Council has discussed increasing tax deductions for health insurance premiums.


Federal Council adopts benchmarks for individual taxation

With the introduction of individual taxation, in future mainly married couples with an equal distribution of income and pensioner couples will be relieved.


Swiss withholding tax: Changes to the notification procedure in the group

The Federal Council has adopted two changes to the notification procedure.


Tax relief for families in the canton of Zug

Planning 8th partial revision of the Zug tax law: Further relief planned, especially for families.


Safe haven interest rates for 2022

SFTA circular letters regarding safe haven interest rates for 2022 – Increase of safe  haven interest rates for foreign currencies


Wealth tax

Reduction of wealth tax values of securities without market value through adjusted valuation procedure


Increase in deduction for childcare costs - max. Fr. 25'000 per child


Source tax: elimination of rate correction / voluntary subsequent ordinary assessment

The rate correction is to be applied for the first time for the tax year 2021 and the corresponding application must be submitted by March 31, 2022 (same deadline as for the rate correction).


Don't miss the contribution into your 2nd and 3rd pillar account

Save taxes by paying into your 2nd and 3rd pillars and thereby reducing your taxable income.


Inheritance: the cantons of residence are now responsible for withholding tax

In future, heirs are to reclaim withholding tax on inheritance income in their canton of residence. This new regulation enters into force on 1 January 2022.


Federal Court Decision on promotion of home ownership: Relaxation of provisions?

The promotion of home ownership with funds from the occupational pension plan ("WEF") is, among other restrictions, in principle only possible for owner-occupied residential property (own use) and must be repaid in the event of a sale (or economically equivalent thereto). However, the Federal Supreme Court has now rejected the repayment claim of the pension fund in a case (BGE 9C_293/2020) with WEF advance withdrawal and later rental.


Tax news from the Federal parliament

In recent weeks, a number of resolutions have been passed and changes initiated by the Federal parliament. Here is a brief overview of the most important points:


2020 tax return - wealth tax values for cryptocurrencies

The Swiss Federal Tax Administration (“SFTA”) has updated the 2020 exchange rate lists including several crypto assets.


Private use of the business vehicle will now be taxable with a flat rate

The Swiss Federal Tax Administration decides on a long overdue administrative simplification: 


Canton Zug to enable payment of taxes with cryptocurrencies as of 2021

As the first canton in Switzerland, Zug is once again taking a pioneering role.


YES to the amendment of the Zug tax law

The people of Zug clearly said yes to the amendment of the Zug tax law to manage the financial consequences caused by the coronavirus.


Safe haven interest rates for 2021

SFTA cirular letters regarding safe haven interest rates for 2021 – some significant reductions in safe haven interest rates for foreign currencies


Online Event with Albert Blattmann, Remo Merz and Heinz Tännler

Register now to join this event:


Simple and safe online transfer of tax documents

The future is digital. With our new software, all tax documents are digitised and filed in the right place for further processing. 


Save on taxes by staggering your pension payout

Those who plan for retirement in a timely manner can save a lot on their taxes upon payout. It is important to arrange for the assets to be paid out over several calendar years.


Taxation of employee stock ownership tokens

Initial Coin Offerings (ICO), i.e. the raising of capital through the release of blockchain-based coins or tokens, are currently very much in vogue.


Taxes – unpunished voluntary disclosure only accepted until 30. September 2018

Despite the introduction of the Automatic Exchange Of Information (AEOI) at the beginning of 2018, a unpunished voluntary disclosure is still possible.
