Services Fiscal / Tax Representation with Fineac Treuhand

All companies based abroad, which provide services in Switzerland and have a worldwide turnover of more than CHF 100'000 (about EUR 90'000) per year are required to pay value-added tax in Switzerland.


Foreign mail order companies are also required to pay VAT in Switzerland if their individual deliveries are not covered by the VAT on imports collected by the Swiss Federal Customs Administration due to their low value (tax of less than CHF 5) and their annual sales from such deliveries to Swiss customers are CHF 100'000 or more.


In order to register with the Swiss Federal Tax Administration for the purposes of VAT, foreign companies require a qualified fiscal / tax representative in Switzerland.


We at Fineac Treuhand would be pleased to represent and advise you.



Our services in the field of fiscal / tax representation include the following:


  • evaluating whether you are required to pay VAT in Switzerland
  • notification and registration with the Swiss Federal Tax Administration
  • providing advice and support to avoid penalties when filing an amended declaration
  • preparing and submitting quarterly VAT statements
  • examining options for input tax deductions
  • providing advice in all questions relating to VAT in Switzerland and in an international environment according to our membership at the Morison Global network


Interested in an initial consultation? Contact us now at